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Bullet Journal

When is class?

Current Schedule

14 hours each week

Mondays 6-9:30pm

Tuesdays 6-9:30 pm

Wednesdays 6-9:30 pm

Thursdays 6-9:30 pm

Major holidays off.

It's OK to miss a class - we help you make up the topic!

140 hours of instruction

over 10 to 20 weeks, based on your needs.

Image by Eric Rothermel

How many weeks?

Classes take 10 weeks to finish, if you attend them all. Yes! We can work with you if you miss a class, or need to come two days a week for longer, etc.

And, yes, we try to work with students who have unique work schedules or religious requirements for specific days.

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How fast can I finish?

As fast as 10 weeks or as long a s 1 year - it is up to you!. We admit students on most Tuesdays, when our next topic in our curriculum begins. So, you can start - and finish - fast! Before you know it, you'll be licensed. Woo hoo!

Finish the program in as few as 10 weeks, or take up to a year!

We are on "Winter Break". Classes will resume on 1/23/2023. For more info about enrolling, give us a call or email us!
Our office is open M-F 9a to 5p.

New Jersey Home Inspector Certification and Training

10000 Lincoln Drive East, Suite 201
Marlton, NJ 08053

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© 2022 Home Inspection Institute LLC

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